Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Looking For Help Marketing Websites?

If you are looking for some help with marketing websites, then look no further because there is a great place you can visit that will teach you everything you want to know. Starting a business online is not that difficult, and once you learn how to build your website and get it ready to make money, you will be happy you made this investment. Just remember that marketing websites is important, and it is going to be something that you do on a regular basis. Otherwise you may not be reaching the customers that you are trying to attract to your service.

There are many ways to make money online, and marketing websites is an important part of that process. If you are not devoting resources to this aspect of your business, you are selling yourself short while customers are going to other places instead. So, how do you successfully start marketing websites? Well, most people either hire someone to do it for them or the research the subject themselves. No matter which way you choose, you should visit one of the best websites out there that teach the basics and provide services as well.

Whether you are just starting out in the world of marketing websites, or you have been doing this for a while and are finding yourself in a rut, this site can do a lot in terms of giving you a hand. Don’t let your site lose money because you are not doing a few simple things to get the traffic that you are hoping to see on a daily basis. Marketing websites is key to this result, and anyone will tell you the reason they are doing so well online is because they came up with the best strategy that works just for them.

Marketing websites takes a lot of know-how and trial and error, but it is not a complicated in and of itself, and you can get yours going simply by getting some basic information. This site is a great resource for anyone who wants to make money online, and you will learn the art of marketing websites so you can get yourself in a money making position as quickly as possible. Whether you are looking to do this as a source of extra income, or you are making a career out of doing this, you can really be doing yourself a big favor by heading over and taking a look at everything they have to offer at this site.

Don’t be intimidated about the prospect of marketing websites, and take control of the direction yours will take. Visiting a helpful and informative source of information will be one of the best things you could do for you and for your online business. Take the bull by the horns and see what kind of potential you have when you start marketing websites to make money in the most effective and productive way possible and you will love the difference you will notice.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Did You Lose Pagerank? How You Can Regain Your PR?

Are you penalized by Google? Do you know, what can be a major cause for penalty? It's Guest Blogging. I,m not sure that your penalty is really Guest Blogging. You might have any other issue with your blog. But the majority of Bloggers got a penalty due to guest blogging.

It is noticed that MyBlogGuest and all their users got penalized. A friend of mine, got penalized. His site had PageRank 2 and lost his all Pagerank. Do you remember the post of Matt Cutts about Guest Blogging? It was warning for Guest Blogging. I,m sure it is Guest Blogging which hurt a number of Bloggers.

How you can regain your Page Rank?

You would have to wait for Google's next update to see if you are penalized. But make it sure, if you have solved your issue. What you should do right now?

  • If you are using platforms for Guest Blogging. Check out what happened to them. Leave all Guest Blogging platforms, which got penalized by Google. Specially MyBlogGuest.
  • Check out if your Disclosure page is clear about Guest Blogging. If you are using Guest Blogging and you don't have a Disclosure page. It might be the reason of your loss. Create a clearDisclosure Page.
  • If you are writing Guest Posts for your blog. Either you are receiving Guest Posts, you can follow guidelines about Guest Blogging to secure your Guest Blogging.
  • If you are using SEO services. Check out their reputation. If they are involved in spamming. Leave them.
  • Check out why Google penalized you, using free penalty tools. They will not tell you exact reason, but you can use them for an idea. You can also use Google Webmasters to know a bit about your penalty.
These tips will surely work for your blogging. You can use Google Webmaster to tell Google if you have improved your site.


Google has penalized a lot of websites that are using too much Guest Blogging and Guest Bloggers who are trying to mess with Google. If you are using Guest Blogging. You should remember Google can hurt your SEO and ranking.
If you have made mistakes, don't care about that mistake. It's better to remove spammers from your blog. If you can't. Forget them, don't appreciate them. You must have a clear Disclosure page about Paid or Guest links.
To know, if you are penalized no more. Check out your Google's ranking. It will not exactly tell you, if you are safe. But it's a sign to check. If Google has started loving you or not. I highly recommend you to follow the above Guidelines for Guest Blogging. It will surely keep you safe. If you have lost your Pagerank and you have questions about your loss. Feel free to raise your questions in the comments.
Do you have more tips to regain PageRank. Please share with us. It might help us to understand Google Penalties.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Local SEO vs National SEO How is Local SEO Different

Like many companies, SEOs start out small, in their local neighborhood, and grow out from there. You are more localized until you build up your reputation, at which time you can grow beyond your smaller geocircle. So how is helping small to medium businesses rank in their trading area different than ranking nationally? Local SEO is the answer. 

What is easier about ranking national is that there is less keyword spanning. You are only trying to rank for product/service/price, not product/service/price/location. However, that is where the easy stops. It is much harder to build national rankings as there is more competition for your keywords, less organic space (50 companies with all metrics equal, and there are still only 10 spots on page 1 of Google), and therefore much more effort building backlinks, and you have to build stronger backlinks. 

Local SEO on the other hand has less competition in the same space. Searching Electrician locally by State, City, or county is far less difficult than nationally. With that said, I believe there is more involved in local search. You are most likely unknown and need to get established. Website is probably some $10 template they purchased which can't be used. You have local citations to build which includes more than There might be a few small business directories in your area that you have to find and get listed in. 

What is most often forgotten are the local blogs, forums, and neighboring websites that you need to get links from. These can be easier to obtain as they should know your business or your client's business. If these are for a client, have them call or send the email as speaking to the guy down the street is far better than some marketing person that may not even be from that State. When you business is involved in local events, get a backlink from that even's website. You can get links from the local swim club, or the little league your business sponsors. If you donate to local charities, acquire a backlink. Post in local forums and entertainment sites. Getting these local backlinks are very important to local SEO. 

Another thing you should never forget is website security and protection. Always keep your website secured with antivirus software or special services you can find on the net. There is some highly recommended websites you can order website malware removal or purchase website antivirus or protection service.

When you do this, also keep in mind local advertising. Some of the websites you come across might not give a link for free, but you might be able to buy a banner or text link, and usually much cheaper as well. Just make sure that add link is a followed link. 

Let us not overlook the elephant in the room; Google Places. Without a doubt, Google Places should be the first place you start when building local organic rankings. To do this, register for Google Places, and have your address listed textually on every page and in the Title of the contact page. 

On-page optimizing efforts include using keywords that are local. Mention places, areas, and streets that are local to you. "On the corner of 52 and 805", "next to the Sprint building in San Diego", and references like this will act as another indicator to Google to where you are at. You don't have to do this on every page, or should you overuse local keywords to stuff them in, however, when appropriate, use local distinct objects, rather than vague descriptions. Remember, Google does own the largest map, so they know what these objects and locations are. 

The driving point home is when you want to rank local, think local. Putting together an information packet for your client on how to think local will certainly benefit them and their rankings. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Link Building Facts

Link building is considered as one of the hardest things to do when creating a successful website with a little or no budget at all. It is also one of the most crucial part of any search engine optimization campaign. The basic concept of is to get as much links of your sites sprinkled all over the Worldwide Web. Link building is an important off-page optimization factor that helps boost natural search engine rankings.

Actually, link building is also one of the most basic forms of website development. It is usually the first thing to be done when a website needs to grow. Link building is the act of receiving an external link to your page from another website. This has multiple benefits for your website. First, if your link is in any sort of high traffic area, people will click on that link leading to your page. Secondly, when the search spiders crawl your link, they will consider this as a “building block” for your results on the search result pages, the more inbound links you have, the more the search spiders will see your website. Link building is a process wherein there is a creation of an inbound link to your own site.
Links to your site are not the most important factor in determining your ranking but you have to get a well optimized site to be ranked higher. Through link building World Wide Web continue its round process. They are the most objective and unbiased evaluation of a site’s worth and they are also considered as crucial in almost every SEO strategy to help improve your sites ability to rank high in the search indexes, draw traffic and ultimately generate revenue.

Submitting articles and stories based on your website to article directories can create useful back links. If the articles are picked up by other websites, they can create additional links. The content and relevance of the articles can be crucial in link building exercise. This also creates a lot of those good one way links to your website. Link builder site focus more on content. You will recognize the fact that there is a little interaction between members, the ability to vote you up or down, limited profile and bookmarking. These types of sites want you to have lots of useful content to help them find what they are looking for. You can add links that lead back to your website for SEO purposes and potential traffic. Using of keywords and observing its density help the website you are promoting perform better on search results.

Link building is also self-fulfilling. It means that link building is not only for increasing link partners and search engine rankings, it is also used to create partnerships and establish profitable relationships with other web masters. What will happen to the way search algorithms score links is already happening. Link building may be one of the most important factors deciding your fate on the search engines. It is not about linking to any website but it is a matter of linking with weight.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Great Websites Running the Genesis Framework - Website Security

If you know WordPress and are familiar with the Genesis Framework, you will  have no problem understanding how important it is to have a great website for your personal endeavors, small business or even a large company. I am writing this post because I feel that there are some Genesis WordPress Developers out there that take creating a website to a whole new level and deserve some major recognition!

This is a quick and dirty list of some great designs I have encountered on my daily travels around the net.

1. Tonys Oyster Bar and Grill
This site is using the Eleven40 theme and has a great layout style. The color combinations and circular shapes used here definitely make this design one of the nicest Genesis WordPress sites I have ever seen. By @RiavonEntprises

2. Salto Coffee Works
Ok, this site isnt listed here just because its all about coffee….this is a very simple site, but yet stunning. The colors, fonts, and revolving backgrounds invite you in for your favorite cup of great design! #coffeerocks!

3. Siteguarding - Website Security
As a WordPress Developer I am very proud of my work, therefore, I would have to include one of my sites right? Currently this site is my favorite site, running the Minimum 2.0 Theme by StudioPress. At first I was skeptical about using a minimalist design to show off my work, but  I am VERY glad I did. Personally, I believe this has been the best theme ever released by Studiopress. By @AJSWeb

4. Mónica Guerra Leiria
One of the coolest Minimum 2.0 inspired designs Ive seen yet. Another example of just how remarkable this theme really is. @jesterstear

5. Sugartown Communications
This website running the Nitrous Theme from StudioPress paints a perfect picture of the current Fall season. Notice the leaves in the upper-right header area rotate and change with the page. This site truly expresses how a lot of detail can go a long way!

6. Duct Tape Marketing
This Genesis powered site has a layout that just sticks all over you! Great colors and the presentation of the companys information make this site stand out from the crowd! @ducttape

7. The Book Corner
This website mixes a vibrant brown and blue color palate using the Outreach Theme from StudioPress. Overall a great design and layout of information. @ciwdwebdesign

8. Eva Katherine
This is one my favorites sites that I developed almost a year ago. One thing is for sure, Eva Katherine can sing. The kicker is; she is only 14 years old and has opened for Country Music stars such as: Miranda Lambert, Kix Brooks, and Sugarland. This site is running the Agency-Two Theme from StudioPress. @AJSWeb

9. Gina Nievas
Brown used with bright red has always been a great color combination, but here Gina Nievas nails it! This is a great website overall with a lot of great information. @marknetgroup
10. All About Learning Press

This is a fantastic website and nothing short! The dropdown menus and overall style pack a real punch! By @SPYRmedia

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Importance of Online Forums in Social Media Marketing

Online forums have for sometime now been regarded as an early form of social media marketing. If I am not wrong, it has been around long before the emergence of Facebook, Bing, and the rest.

Online forums have profile pages, public and private messages and conversation which allows online users to join the conversation. These forums are also manifested by all major search engines such as Google and Yahoo just line these search engines do with social media marketing.

Marketing Perks of Forums Versus Social Media Marketing

The marketing perks obtained from online forums are just about similar with the marketing perks offered by social media marketing. If possible and appropriate, it is better if social media marketing includes online forums in their plans.

Online forums allocate for reputation techniques and brand awareness campaigns. Some even allows link building and generation just like what social media marketing does.

Website Security 

Don't forget website security and protection is very important for seo results. Make sure that you keep your website safe and protected from malware and hackers. Install all required security plugins and chek your website for backdoors and SQL injections.

Certainly, most of the online entrepreneurs are aware of the presence and availability of online forums and the perks one can get from subscribing to them but then it seemed that they have been relegated to the background because of the emergence of the latest and more up-to-date networks. Still, online forums are still lingering around, they may have taken the backseat, but they are not passé. They still serve their purpose just like social media marketing.

Yes, with social media marketing one can avail of many perks and benefits but, it can also be so with online forum participation. Online forums do not only offer pure marketing of an online entrepreneur’s products and services but also offers solutions with specific solutions that are rare to find any place.. Online forums are also remarkable sites to interact with other professionals. With participating in the conversation on the topic at hand will enable one to stay in touch and up-to-date with the modern going-on in online marketing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

SEO Marketing

How can you improve your seo marketing results? The first thing when developing any marketing campaign is to consider what your outcome or goals are. What do you hope to accomplish for your business? Work to quantify the answer to the former question. Once you have developed an initial marketing plan sketch, it is time to put your plan into motion.

Here are some concepts to consider to improve the overall outcome from your seo marketing plan:

Search Engine Marketing Plan
Create More Content – Content is key when working to marketing your business online. Many business owners begin to feel overwhelmed with creating original content. Busy schedules, lack of formal writing training and lack of direction can seem overwhelming. There is good news! You can create your own content, you can outsource content writing to another individual or  firm, and you can even repurpose current content that has already been created for your business, such as manuals, marketing materials and product descriptions. Content from all of these sources can be incorporated into your website’s pages, articles, blogs, ebooks and more, each of which will help your business’s bottom line revenue results.

Don’t be Afraid to Be Personal – Many content pieces are written in such a way that they feel sterile, and impersonal. While you may not want to be truly ‘personal’ with the manner and tone of your content, you do want to have personality coming through your writing. Article marketing and blog marketing are great forums for your personality and expertise to come through. Allowing your readers to get to know you and your business will work to establish credibility, a crucial component for building a loyal clientele.

Narrow your Search – While many businesses focus on national search results, many would be surprised to note that they would experience greater results by focusing on their local search engines. Most people today turn to the Internet for their local search needs over print phone books. Therefore, it is important to optimize your content for local searches, incorporating the city, area or geographical region into your keyword phrase mix.

Be Personal – All too often, businesses optimize their content for search engines rather than the readers. While this many prove somewhat effective in gaining additional website traffic, conversion results may suffer. Once a reader lands on your website, if the content is not appealing or readable, they are likely to bounce off the page in search of other companies. Remember; write for people.

Use Links – One great way to leverage seo marketing techniques is to incorporate links within your content. These links can be used to link your internal pages to one another, effectively keeping readers on your site past completing a single page of content. The longer a website visitor stays to browse on your site, the more likely they are to either complete a purchase or offer their contact information which can be used in later marketing campaigns.

When seo techniques are used correctly, your business will be able to gain additional online visibility, leading to increased clicks and increased sales.